21 for '21


This month, people all across the world engaged in a 21-day fast; giving up something to devote more of our day to connecting with God. I don't know if you participated; and if you did, I don't know how successful you were. I had a few challenges sticking to my original plan, which is fine. The problem came when I realized that although I gave something up, I didn't really give up all that I should have in order to truly focus on seeking God and making myself available to Him. It wasn't until the very last week of the 21 days that I decided it wasn't too late to go harder.

My husband hadn't really been watching much television. So I was shocked one afternoon when the tv was on and a movie was set to play. It was The Passion of the Christ. Now, this was a movie that I'd seen twice in the theater when it came out. This is also a movie that I thought sure I would never intentionally watch ever again. I saw it, I felt it. I was changed, I didn't need to watch it again. So here we were watching it together. Turns out, it was actually the perfect movie to watch during a fast. It really centered me and allowed me to not only refocus on connecting with God, but also being more intentional about living a life that is solely for His will. So I wanted to share two takeaways:

#1 I can't even be mad at Judas. How many times have I done things that I know I shouldn't have done?  How often do I give up my "try" for the sake of momentary satisfaction? How often do I ignore the consequences (that affect me or others around me, now or in the future) because I want to do what I want to do? How many times have I disregarded the price that Jesus paid to save my soul, to change my life? I don't know what I would have done if I were Judas, but I do know that in my life right now, I don't always make the right decisions or have the best attitude that shows others that I'm a Christian. I'm sure I have plenty of moments that are displeasing to God! The big aha moment is that this January fasting has been going on for years. It's a great time for us to really commit to allowing God to drastically change us forever, not just 3 weeks just to ultimately go back to "doing us".

#2 Jesus fulfilled his purpose; even through fear. Jesus was the only one who could pay the price for the sins of everyone in the whole world. No one else could have fulfilled that task. Imagine if he didn't do it. What if He didn't feel capable? Forgot who he was? Who his father was? What if he gave up because it was too hard? What if he thought it wasn't worth it? What if he got too fearful and just waited for someone else to do it; because people wouldn't appreciate it, because everyone didn't like him and what he had to offer?

How many times have you failed to go through with something that you know God placed on your heart to do? We make up all the excuses. We give in to inadequate feelings. We forget that we can fulfil big dreams because of who our Daddy is. The first month of the new year is ending. It's a perfect time to reevaluate where you are spiritually. Are you just living, or are you actively denying yourself to please him? Are you using what he has given you? I don't want to forget the change that happened during a 21-day period. I want it to be long-lasting!


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