Toddler Learning Binder

As a new stay-at-home mom, it can be challenging trying to balance taking care of an infant while meeting the needs of a toddler. Since my 2 year old is no longer in daycare, I'm working diligently to provide him with adequate opportunities for academic growth. 

He has tons of books and he loves reading them all with his dad and me. Some of his favorite toys are the educational ones such as puzzles for matching animals or letter, and a tablet. He watches television sometimes in the mornings. Although his ultimate favorite shows to watch are any version of the Baby Shark videos, he thoroughly enjoys Sesame Street and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. But something that has really helped with structural learning is this binder that I created. Here are a few of the pages that are in it:

This binder will soon be updated because he can already count to 40 on his own and he also knows more shapes than what's shown, including an octagon. I didn't make a page for animals, food, or clothing because he recognizes most of them in books, and he identifies other objects that are already around the house. I'll also add more pages for tracing as he gets older.

I made copies of certain pages (like colors or number for example), cut them up into individual pieces, and placed them into plastic sandwich baggies which are held in a pencil pouch. As soon as I get velcro, this will be used to match the items in the baggies onto the respective full pages. For now, he just places them on the right spot on the page.


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